The Benefits of Immigration

I was at the Southend-on-Sea Indian Street Food Carnival yesterday and it was fantastic food, dancing and fun.

We constantly hear about ‘stopping the boats’ and how migration is bad. That migrants are a strain on our schools and hospitals and benefit cheats. We never hear about the good migrants bring to our society. Just like the rest of us, they give much more than they take. Migrants contribute £4.7 billion more in taxes than they receive in benefits, bolstering public finances and funding essential services like healthcare and education.

The terms “refugee”, “asylum seeker” and “migrant” are not the same. A refugee is someone fleeing serious risk to their lives. An asylum seeker is someone waiting to be legally categorised as a refugee. People the Tories just leave on boats or in hotels. In inhumane conditions. It is shameful.

Migrants are more generally people who go from one country to another. For lots of reasons: to be with family, to work, to start a new life, escape natural disasters, all kinds of reasons.

And they are good for the UK. Migrants help balance the UK’s aging population. In 2020, 48% of migrants were aged 25-44, compared to 26% of the UK-born population, contributing to the workforce and supporting public services.

International students bring in £25.9 billion annually and enhance the academic environment with diverse perspectives, preparing all students for a globalised world.

Migrants play a crucial role in the NHS and tech industry. Over 13% of NHS staff are non-British, ensuring the healthcare system runs smoothly. In tech, skilled migrants drive innovation and competitiveness.

Migrants are twice as likely to start businesses compared to UK-born people. Their entrepreneurial ventures create jobs and stimulate local economies, contributing significantly to our economic vitality.

Immigration enriches the UK’s cultural landscape. London alone hosts over 300 languages, making it one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. Festivals, cuisines, and artistic expressions from around the globe thrive in the UK.

Migrants revitalise economically declining areas. Their presence can lead to a 20% increase in property values and support local businesses, creating more vibrant communities.

The Conservatives have broken our immigration system. Their restrictive rules prevent employers from hiring needed workers and keep families apart. The asylum backlog has soared, and public confidence is shattered. The Home Office is failing.

The Conservatives have closed safe routes for asylum seekers. They created the small boats situation. Only 299 people used this route in 2018. Over 10,000 have crossed so far this year.

We Liberal Democrats propose a fair, effective immigration system that treats everyone with dignity. Key measures include:

  • Ending the Conservatives’ Hostile Environment and investing in officers, training, and technology to combat smuggling and trafficking.
  • Transferring work visa, student visa, and asylum powers from the Home Office to other departments, with a new unit to process applications swiftly and accurately.
  • Repealing the Illegal Migration Act and providing safe, legal routes for refugees to prevent dangerous Channel crossings.
  • Tackling the asylum backlog with a dedicated unit outside the Home Office, setting a three-month processing standard for most claims, and speeding up returns of those without a right to stay.
  • Allowing asylum seekers to work if they wait more than three months for a decision, helping them support themselves, integrate, and contribute through taxes.

The UK has a proud tradition of welcoming newcomers, enriching our economy, culture, and communities. Let’s keep it that way for all our benefit.


One thought on “The Benefits of Immigration

  1. Some of this is true, some is false accounting, unfettered immigration is a big issue not to be pushed away by calling anyone concerned a racist.

    1. Fair enough, it is a complex issue. But on principle I am defending immigration because the media seems to only attack it.

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