The plan to stop the Sh*t in our waters
It is not hard to do. The water companies are just not doing it and the outgoing government didn’t make them. And I include Anna Firth and James Duddridge. Whatever they promise or say, this is what they have actually done. No more. The Lib Dems will work for you to stop this irresponsible greed. We’re being listened to as well.
1. New Water Regulator
2. Ban on Executive Bonuses.
3. Local Environmental Experts & Community involvement. We hold them accountable. We measure the water quality not them.
The government’s Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan aimed to gradually stop pollution from untreated sewage overflows But it was useless. Overflows still expected to spill untreated sewage by 2040.
The solution is: remove the overspill system entirely, treat, clean and filter every drop. Stop wasting money on CEOs, Directors, Contractors, invest in your network.
And don’t forget who doesn’t work for you.