Disability Pride Month 2024

I’m doing my bit to champion any marginalised group and after LGBTQ+ Pride last month, this month it is us disabled people the largest minority group in the UK. I met Beth, Robbie and Luca from Making Care Fair this morning to make a little video advocating for what they need. I’ll post it here when finished. I’ve listed some things below but basically someone with a Learning Difficulty should be receiving what a person over 65 receives. That’s equity as well as equality.

A person with a Learning Disability is not like someone like me who has physical/mobility issues. They just find certain things harder to do and this will never change for them, but they can be supported to live better lives. We as a society cannot just ignore them because we don’t understand them. We all have human rights and they have the same ones.

So what do people with Learning Disabilities find it harder to do?

  1. Understand Written Information: Reading and understanding instructions, forms, and signs.
  2. Manage Finances: Budgeting, paying bills, and handling money.
  3. Use Public Transport: Figuring out schedules, routes, and buying tickets.
  4. Communicate: Expressing themselves and understanding others.
  5. Find and Keep Jobs: Understanding job tasks and interacting at work.
  6. Learn: Keeping up with school or training.
  7. Do Daily Tasks: Cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene.
  8. Access Healthcare: Understanding medical advice and following treatments.
  9. Socialise: Making friends and joining in community activities.
  10. Use Services: Navigating systems for benefits, housing, and support.

They need clear information, support, and inclusive practices to live fulfilling lives.

Here is what needs to be done for them by ALL of us working to influence change:

  1. Establish permanent disability recognition to simplify benefit access.
  2. Reform or protect PIP to ensure it remains non-means tested.
  3. Ensure living expenses are covered before local authorities take PIP contributions.
  4. Standardize Disability Related Expenditure limits across local authorities.
  5. Simplify council forms and prevent backdated payment demands.
  6. Equalize the minimum income guarantee for all ages.
  7. Improve support for carers based on campaign feedback.
  8. Allow adults with disabilities to use the buses ANY time.

These actions aim to create a more inclusive, supportive community for everyone.

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